VarseoSmile Crown plus A1 500g

VarseoSmile Crown plus A1 500g

Regular price $1,449.99

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The tooth-colored, ceramic-filled hybrid material for 3D printing of permanent single crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers

 • Outstanding aesthetics thanks to the balanced ratio of opacity and translucency

• Low aging and discoloration thanks to very low water absorption

• Low plaque build-up thanks to the smooth surface

• High level of comfort due to the low sensation of cold and warmth

• Antagonist-friendly material with mechanical buffer effect, ideal for implant-supported crowns

• No formation of secondary caries thanks to the high adhesive bond with luting composites

• High biocompatibility due to very low water solubility - therefore not cytotoxic, not genotoxic, not toxic, not irritating, not sensitizing

• Meets all requirements for a class IIa * medical device

 * Medical product of class IIa according to the EC directive "Medical Products" 93/42 / EEC.

  • viscosity
    2500-6000 mPa * s
  • Water solubility
    0.01 µm / mm³
  • wavelength
    385 nm
  • Flexural strength
    116 MPa - 150 MPa MPa
  • modulus of elasticity
    4090.00 MPa
  • colour
  • Product description
    The tooth-colored, ceramic-filled hybrid material for 3D printing of permanent single crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers
  • Layer thickness
    50 µm
  • Content / amount
    500 g bottle
  • Water absorption
    10.00 µm / mm³