Labo Station is a safety working place cabinet for finishing works with micromotors. It is equipped with several lateral entrances both on the left and on the right side, with a neon light, fast-air-connector, and power supply intake for the dust extractor unit Airbox GS (for simultaneous switch-on/off), wooden air-stockintake, internal work-top recovered of wood and easily replaceable, a wide sized glass window, a drain trellis for the falling down of heavy powders, and air syringe. Labo Station allows to have an effective working place with extractor unit at a very competitive price, to be placed on a bench or on a wall corbel (not included). In addition to your micromotor it is also possible to install a microsandblaster version UNO for small blasting works, and Woody pneumatic chisel/hammer for the removal of plaster or casting investments. In the dental office Labo Station allows to make all those little works (rebasing, finishing of prosthesis, etc.) without any emission of powder into the room. Labo Station is also efficient to avoid breathing chemical volatile substances (monomers, solvents, etc.). Bright and wide working area • Grid collector for heavy particles easy to clean • Solid and reliable costruction at very convenient price. Hose is 32mm internal diameter.
NEW! Soft plastic strips to avoid dust escape.
NOTE: the internal hose is flexible and grey color (like the Airbase).
NOTE: the internal base is supplied white or wood color upon availability in our stock.
Dimensions wdh: 60x40x40 cm • weight: 15 kg